Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


The last act of love from a mother

The last act of love from a mother toward me


The last act of love from a mother : hello everyone, 32 years ago I lost my mother, it was a tumor, I was 14 years old, she died in hospital, that night they did not tell me anything, that night I dreamed of her, which I had never done before, she told me that now she was feeling well, in fact I saw her with long hair again, and she added that she had come by to say goodbye to me.


It was so nice to see her healthy again like in the past, then, in the morning, my aunt (her sister) told me that she had died, I could not believe it, because, I explained to her, I just dreamed of her, she was healthy, she came to say hello, my aunt was left petrified, then, as a grew up, I understood that she had performed a last act of love towards me.


The last act of love from a mother toward me are the words from Massimo




The last act of love from a mother toward me


The last act of love from a mother


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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