Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Don’t cry I live on the other side

Don’t cry I live on the other side experiences


Don’t cry I live on the other side : I believe that when our beloved departed ones see us suffer for them, it makes them unhappy, obviously today I believe on the other side, and I will tell you my experience; many years ago my father passed away, and I was very close to him; I sought some contact with him, and life placed in my path a medium, who understood I was looking for a message, I was not able to dream of him, and I was not getting any signs, nothing consoled me and I was crying too much, and he suffered for it; everything happened so suddenly, the meeting with the medium, etc, he saw the void that he had left in me.


This medium put me in contact with him, and to allowed me to stop crying and suffering, he gave me a very specific sign, that only he and I knew about, he did it to affirm his presence, and I assure you that the medium certainly did not know anything about it.


The medium’s pen was flying at the speed of the wind, at the end of the description of how he was feeling very well, while he noticed that I was not very convinced because before up until this experience I had been pretty skeptical, he begged me not to cry anymore, he told me that my tears made him suffer, and he ended with a goodbye and the words “Ciao Mariella”, and that was the name that only he used, only he knew about this name, I had only met the medium that morning.


Ever since then everything changed for me, and, for obvious reasons, I do believe on the other side, because I saw it through the description of my father, and the acceptance of his death became much easier; the following day, as if by magic, I stopped crying, and I accepted his premature and unexpected death, and I am sure of the fact that he is always next to me.


Don’t cry I live on the other side experiences are Maria’s words




Don’t cry I live on the other side experiences


Don’t cry I live on the other side


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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