Le Parole degli Angeli
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Signs of hearts feathers scents

Signs of hearts feathers scents butterflies signs that reassure


Signs of hearts feathers scents : eight years ago my husband passed away suddenly, while he was driving; he did not harm anyone or anything, only the car he was driving, which ended up belly up inside a ditch; the rescue came very quickly, they performed a cardiac resuscitation attempt, but he had already returned to his HOME.


One of the rescuers told me that he had held his hand until the ambulance arrived, even though he knew he was dead; he told me “madam, he was not alone”; it was of great help for me to know that during his Great Trip he was not all by himself.


Right away in the house and around me I started noticing signs of his presence and of his help, hearts, feathers, perfumes, butterflies, clouds, many other things that are always around me, and this reassures me.


Signs of hearts feathers scents butterflies signs that reassure are the words from Palmina




Signs of hearts feathers scents


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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