Le Parole degli Angeli
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Doing good deeds opportunity in life

Doing good deeds opportunity in life following my accident


Doing good deeds opportunity in life : I suffered a road accident, I was on the median line, suddenly a car with a drunk driver drove from the opposite direction; he hit me and I started flying, however, I felt as if someone grabbed me by the shoulder, I escaped alive, I did have some problems, I even hit my head, but I have no idea how I escaped alive, this was a miracle.


A week earlier, I had had a dream that actually scared me, and in the following days I had a premonition that something very intense was about to happen that was new to me and then I got hit however, during the actual moment of impact, I did not feel any fear, like I mentioned, I just felt as if I was being pulled away from behind, even though behind me there was nobody.


I do not remember very well if I felt I was being pulled exactly on the moment of the impact, or while I was flying, but I do remember it, I remember this experience.


Given the gravity of what had happened, and what could have happened, I escaped with minor consequences, everyone was in shock, including the paramedic in the ambulance that came to my rescue.


From the Sky they managed to protect me, this is also why I try to do good deeds every day in my life it is because of the opportunity that they have given us.


Good day to everyone


Doing good deeds opportunity in life following my accident are the words from Lina




Doing good deeds opportunity in life


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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