Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Angels are among us

Angels are among us beautiful experiences


Angels are among us : I also have wonderful memories, I was very little at the time, I was still sleeping in a bed with wooden safety bars, I had chronic bronchitis and I remember that my mother would make me take a little nap in the afternoon, I could not sleep because I was always having trouble breathing and I was afraid.


As I started to cry, I could see three children around my bed, all between the ages of 3 and 4, they were smiling at me, they were beautiful, they told me not to be afraid, that they would help us, and I just had to breathe slowly and stay calm.


I truly believed they were around me, and when I would wake up, I would tell my mother about them, she told me that they were Angels, and that it was all a dream but I was not sleeping, I could not wait to see them again.


This lasted until I started to go to school, every now and then I would seek them, but they wouldn’t come!


What would I give to relive once again those beautiful moments that didn’t make me feel alone and gave me courage.


Angels are among us beautiful experiences are the words from Anna Lisa




Angels are among us beautiful experiences


Angels are among us


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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