Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Touching stories of pets

Touching stories of pets my beloved sheepdog


Touching stories of pets : on the 9th of May three years ago Ruby, one of our wonderful Maremma Sheepdogs, left us; I was torn with the pain, I was caressing him right up to the last breath, it was already in a diabetic coma, but he did respond to my caresses with a tiny wag of her tail, every time I think of it, my eyes well up; her brother Silve (they were inseparable) had disappeared, until the day we buried Ruby, he came to “howl” all of his pain.


He came to the house, practically stopped eating (I had to hand feed him to make sure he ate something) and after 45 days he also left us.


Every subsequent morning, for quite a while, we could hear them barking behind the door, like they used to do when they waited for their breakfast and this is what gave me proof that life does go beyond death, even for our pets.


They love us with unconditional love, and only those who have had a “four-legged child” can understand, they are special and unique creatures.


Touching stories of pets my beloved sheepdog are the words from Nicoletta


Touching stories of pets my sheepdogs


Touching stories of pets


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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