Le Parole degli Angeli
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Meaningful coincidences examples

Meaningful coincidences examples nothing happens by chance


Meaningful coincidences examples : nothing happens by chance for example this coincidences allowed me to discover an important problem, it was a Saturday, 1st of July, last year, around 17 and 00; my husband was waiting for me in the car, I got out of a building, and as I walking down one step, I had a “surreal” fall and landed on the ground, completely unable to move and get back up; my husband decided to look for me and found me there, blood from my forehead, broken arm, fractured pelvis, the ambulance arrived and they admitted me in the trauma ward, they tried to manually adjust my broken arm but were unable to do it; the following morning, they ordered blood tests, after an hour, the doctor arrived, he sat on my bed, albeit evasively eventually he informed me I had leukemia.


When my daughter arrived at the hospital to visit, I immediately told her “Someone made me fall, to warn me”.


It is a light form of leukemia, not fatal, but every two months I go for my checkups.




Meaningful coincidences examples nothing happens by chance are the words from Bruna




Meaningful coincidences examples nothing happens by chance


Meaningful coincidences examples


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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