Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


After my mother’s death

After my mother’s death pain and consolation


After my mother’s death : I will gladly tell you my story, my mother had recently passed away and my pain was immense; my sister and I had taken stock of all her clothes and inside a box we found the memorabilia from our little brother, who had passed away when he was a year and a half; in the box were a pacifier, and a lock of his blond hair, tied with a light blue ribbon; those objects were more than 50 years old (I was not born yet when he passed).


I took the box home with me, so I had something from my mother and from my little brother with me, I looked at them every day, and I felt as if it helped me feel a little better!!!!


One day, I opened the box and I found a lock of hair from an old woman, instead of a lock of hair of a child! It was wonderful, it’s as if she had told me “you do not need your brother’s hair, I’ll take this, and I will leave you some of my hair as consolation!!!


Now, every time I look at her hair, I can feel how much my mother loves me, and how much I love her! thank you, mommy Susanna,


After my mother’s death pain and consolation are the words from Apollonia




After my mother’s death pain and consolation


After my mother’s death


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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