Le Parole degli Angeli
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Guardian Angels Exist

Guardian Angels Exist : my daughter experienced something similar to what I read in the wonderful testimonial you titled “danger is not my job” in that testimonial, Rick had told us that he suddenly felt pushed from behind at shoulder level, and this inexplicable event, since he quickly realized that there wasn’t “anyone”, stopped him from being run over by a motorbike driving at high speed; in the case of my daughter, it was not a bike but rather a car that would have hit her straight on without any doubt.


She literally felt two hands from behind, pushing her so hard and so suddenly, that she suddenly found herself on the other side of the road, without even realizing it at the time, only later she understood that her Angel had saved her life.


But this was not even the only time, there have been many others, before and after that, our adored Angels are always with us.


Guardian Angels Exist testimonials are the words from Annarella


Guardian Angels Exist testimonials


Guardian Angels Exist


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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