Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


The death of a cat

The death of a cat signs and experiences


The death of a cat : yes, signs after the death of a cat, these are my experiences, when I was a kid I had a Siamese cat, I adored him and when he died I cried endlessly, for a long period of time, at night, I could hear him enter my room and jump on my bed, it was not my imagination, it was really real, I loved that cat, and yet I had an even stronger bond with another cat who passed away in 2013.


It was a special cat, he would talk to me as he meowed, I would look at him and know exactly what he wanted, he would wait for me like a little dog out in the yard, every time I came home, one night I communicated with him mentally, because he had gone missing for three days, at one o’ clock, I was asleep, I woke up suddenly, I went out in the balcony that I saw him arrive.


After a few years I had a dream, out of the window I saw a nice garden full of cats that were calling my Milo, I woke up and I took him into my bed, the following day he was staring at me meowing, he was not sick, but I understood he wanted to tell me something, I took him to the vet, and there he stayed, tumor and metastasis, I felt guilty, I felt as if I had taken him to die while he was well but then I understood that this is what he had asked me to do, to avoid suffering, we buried him in our garden.


For a while my son could hear him scratching the door, now I am left with my dog, who is almost 11 years old, I know that one day he will want to leave me, but it comforts me to know that in reality we never really separate.


The death of a cat signs and experiences are the words from Nicoletta


The death of a cat signs and experiences


The death of a cat


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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