Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Near the heart phrases

Near the heart phrases and experiences


Near the heart phrases : I felt a sweet presence near my heart, those are phrases of my experiences, I had to do an MRI and I was dreading it because I am not able to cope with closed spaces, I was extremely agitated and I was considering escaping; I entered, I laid on the bed, the operator positioned the machine over me and I was forced to keep my head tilted to one side, suddenly I felt someone’s presence, I don’t know if it was an Angel or my father or my dear grandmother, but it was as if I was being calmed down, I felt enveloped by the sweetest calm, like an embrace, I was so relaxed I nearly fell asleep, despite the rhythmic and very unpleasant thuds.


I am certain that a loving presence was there right next to me.


Near the heart phrases and experiences are the words from Mariapia


Near the heart phrases and experiences


Near the heart phrases


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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