Le Parole degli Angeli
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Dreaming of yellow and orange flowers

Dreaming of yellow and orange flowers meaning and emotions from the Sky


Dreaming of yellow and orange flowers : what I am about to tell you is a wonderful surprise that my mother from the Sky had for me, I dreamed yellow and orange flowers, I understand his meaning; just like the vast majority of people, I have never actually dreamt of a loved one, I certainly had other manifestations, but not dreams, I have never dreamt of a loved one, and this time was no exception, but I did receive a wonderful gift.


Let me explain something quickly, also to give additional proof that our loved ones constantly follow us and they know everything we do, for the last few years I got into the habit of remembering each one of my close relatives, we are not a big family, on the day of their birthday, because often, in a rush from our many chores, we can forget to do it; each one has the freedom to call, or send an email, or what ever else, I personally tend to send the ladies of the family a happy birthday email, choosing a nice picture of flowers, an image of a composition of flowers, or the image of a nice bunch of flowers.


Recently it was the anniversary of my mother’s terrestrial birth date, it was early in the morning, I was about to get up very soon, I was in between sleeping and being awake, I was dozing, suddenly I saw in front of my closed eyes I saw a fantastic composition of flowers, it was an image, a two dimensional image, still, just a picture; in this image was represented a delightful composition of real flowers, an oval vase about 30 centimetres wide and 5 centimetres high, as if the ceramic was worked into the shape of plated straw, it was a beautiful pale orange color, and on the inside of this vase there were flowers, buttercups and other small globe shaped flowers, with tones that ranged from yellow to orange, and all was on a white background, that image was a darling, the surprise was intense, given how with my eyes closed I could see it so vividly, my eyes were staring at the image, and I stared at that image with the same intensity of when one is completely awake; and while I was looking at that image, my heart filled with an emotion of serenity, of blissful serenity, just serenity, this is the emotion that she is feeling today in the Sky, and this is the emotion that she transmitted to me in the heart; the flower image was followed by another flower composition, and with that I ended up waking up completely.


How wonderful!!!!


I could not send her a happy birthday email to the Sky, I could not choose an appropriate image for her, and she ended up sending me her own image of happy birthday wishes.


What wonderful surprises, what joy!!!!, joy that I obviously shared with my other family members.


A hug to all of you, let yourselves be surprised by your loved ones who are in the Sky today, they are in the light and in Love, and they are always in contact with you.


Dreaming of yellow and orange flowers meaning and emotions from the Sky are the words from Sara Luce


Dreaming of yellow and orange flowers meaning and emotions from the Sky


Dreaming of yellow and orange flowers


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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