Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Wonderful Angels

Wonderful Angels experiences and testimonials


Wonderful Angels : it is true that our Angels help us even with things that in our opinion may appear to be meaningless, but in reality it’s not like that, they are very happy to help us, Angels are wonderful, those are my experiences, my testimonials; on the subject of helping, last week I went grocery shopping, with my shopping list written on a little paper, and so I had to wear my glasses to be able to read my list as well as the labels.


I had worn the earrings that my husband had given to me as a gift, from the Vienna museum of Sissi, that’s why I was particularly attached to them, well, as I took off my glasses, the little necklace of my glasses got stuck and I felt one of the earrings come off, it fell because I heard the noise it made, and I was left with just the backing in my hand.


At this point I was very upset, I was looking everywhere for it, all around me on the floor, even under the fridge displays because I was in that area, but nothing, it had disappeared!


I was feeling resigned as I started to leave when I thought of my Angel, “I beg you, you know how much I love those earrings, please help me find it, I beg you, I know there are far more important things, but these earrings are important to me”, and suddenly I heard a little ‘tick’ noise, the earring dropped from the cart on to the floor, I couldn’t believe it, he really listened to me, I am positive of it, and this is not the first time, our dear Angels are so wonderful!.


Wonderful Angels experiences and testimonials are the words from Annarella


Wonderful Angels experiences and testimonials


Wonderful Angels


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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