Le Parole degli Angeli
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After earthly life

After earthly life experiences


After earthly life : dear Sara, I am writing to tell you about my experience about signs after the earthly life, you know, last November I lost my beloved mum, a little more than a month later I also lost my dear aunt, sister of my mother.


A few days after the death of my aunt, I went to my parents’ house to visit my father, who was now living alone; as soon as I walked into the house, with much wonder, I smelled the same smell that was in my maternal grandparents’ house, my brother could smell it also , this lasted 2 days; them, my mother, my aunt and my grandparents were all there, I felt them.


After earthly life experiences is the testimonial from Stefy


After earthly life


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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