Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Angels that look at us from up above

Angels that look at us from up above and protect us


Angels that look at us from up above : yes, Angels that look at us from up above, Angels protect us, a testimonial of this type happened to me too, about Angels that manage to avert a car accident, I was driving, the light had just turned green and I was driving on, and my legs simply froze, I could not press on any pedals, and that’s when a car drove through a red light, at maximum speed, right in front of me.


As soon as the car had passed, my legs started working again.


I will never forget this experience, for all my life


Angels that look at us from up above and protect us is the testimonial from Maria Grazia


Angels that look at us from up above


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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