Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Being a mother is

Being a mother is love always


Being a mother is : my experiences, yes, being a mother is love always, I was very small, three or four years max, I was in hospital with pneumonia, my mother was taking care of me; it was late at night, mum was near me, suddenly I stopped breathing, mum immediately realized what was going on, she ran out of the room down the ward looking for a doctor.


I had escaped from my little body, and I could see myself from up above. I could not feel any pain, I could see everything perfectly, beyond the walls, from up above, I could see my mum running desperately and after a long search I could see her walking into a medical room, on the visits bed was laying a doctor, taking a nap, my mum immediately went to him shouting “my son is not breathing anymore!” then I saw the doctor running behind my mum back to my room, running, back to where I was, lifeless, they arrived, I could see them from up above.


The doctor sat down on my bed and started to slap me on the face, soon after that I felt myself going back into my own body, and I opened my eyes again.


Now I am old, but I have never forgotten, each time I recall it, it’s all very vivid just like back then.


Being a mother is love always experiences are the words from Liliana


Being a mother is love always


Being a mother is


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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