Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Angels on the road to help us

Angels on the road to help us when in danger


Angels on the road to help us : yes, I shall also participate with a story told by my aunt, to let people understand how Angels are around us, even on the road, to help us in times of danger; many years ago, my aunt was walking together with a friend of hers; suddenly, a car flew by them, at an incredible speed, mere inches from them; my aunt was the one who was more exposed as she was walking on the edge of the road, not on the pavement; suddenly my aunt felt as if she got pushed so violently that she fell on to the pavement, then the speeding car rushed right next to her, she was still in shock from the fall, she even retorted to her friend “what did you do that for?, why did you shove me like that?”, but her friend had not even touched her with a finger, she had fallen just moments before the car sped past her, otherwise the impact with the car would have killed her.


Angels on the road to help us when in danger is the testimonial from Mariem


Angels on the road to help us


Angels on the road


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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