Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Stories of Love and the other side

Stories of Love and the other side experiences mum on the phone


Stories of Love and the other side : dear today I shall tell you about stories of Love and stories of the other side, fifteen years ago a week before my birthday, my mother died in her sleep, it was a horrible shock for the entire family, an immense pain for me who lived in symbiosis with her; the morning of my birthday, at six in the morning, I received a text message on my cellphone, I heard the little notification noise; obviously I looked at the sender, no sender, no text, the same kept happening throughout the morning, until midday, every half hour or so, and there was never a sender, just the notification.


In the afternoon I started receiving all the messages from my friends, but they all arrived with a morning time stamp of delivery, I repeat, they all arrived in the afternoon, but with a morning delivery time, and this time they came with the sender details; they were all there, the only sender that was missing was on the first message that had been sent at six in the morning.


One last thing, my mother used to always wish me happy birthday early in the morning, after fifteen years I remember this detail as if it was from today.


Stories of Love and the other side experiences mum on the phone is the testimonial from Angela


Stories of Love and the other side experiences


Stories of Love and the other side


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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