Le Parole degli Angeli
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Dying with a smile on his lips

Dying with a smile on his lips experiences


Dying with a smile : dear Sara, the testimonials I read on your website always fascinate me, and today I want to tell you mine; it happened in March of last year; following a short but painful illness, at the end of January I received the sad news that my husband had a tumor, one of the most aggressive ones, in his lungs; on the night between Sunday and Monday 3rd of March, he started declining rapidly, he started to count, he kept looking at a fixed point in the room, he started saying “I am afraid”, and then, with a faint smile on his lips, he also said “when are you coming?”, still staring at a point in the room, I wonder if he saw his parents or his sister.


In the morning of Monday 4th of March, he left us; a few hours later we were discussing placing his ashes together with his sister, who had died very young, I entered our bedroom and there he was, his face showed a serene smile, a face so peaceful I had not seen him like that in years, he was as handsome as when he was young, yes, because for years he had been suffering from nervous breakdowns stemming from the loss of his sister; his serene smile was not only witnessed by me but also by all people present there.


My love, this is the only thing that gives me relief, knowing that you are well and you are peaceful, near your loved ones.


Dying with a smile on his lips experiences is the testimonial from Ginevra


Dying with a smile on his lips experiences


Dying with a smile


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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