Le Parole degli Angeli
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Angels in action story and vision

Angels in action story and vision experiences


Angels in action story and vision : my dear Sara today I shall tell you about Angels in action, a story and a vision but before sharing my story I must tell you about something that happened about 45 years ago; I was about 6 years old and I lived in Rimini, it was summertime and at the time my mum would often ride a bicycle to the seaside, with me sitting on the back seat; in one of those days, we went to the seaside, and when it was time for us to return home my mother went to retrieve the bicycle; in order to get to it, she had to cross the seafront drive, using the zebra crossing, she ended up crossing the road ahead of me, I was behind her on the other side; my mother signaled from the other side of the road for me to cross over together with a group of other people who were also waiting to cross the road; I was walking a little behind the group and an oncoming car ran me over, however, somehow I did not get stuck under the car, I was told that I actually bounced to the hood of the car, and somehow I clang on to it, which is strange because the car was a Citroen and that model’s hood is inclined downward.


Then I fell off the hood once the car stopped, however, as I fell, my chin was touching my chest so my head ended up not getting injured; basically, I escaped with no injuries, apart from a little scrape behind my left shoulder; my mother almost passed out, and yet there I was, reassuring her that I was perfectly healthy, and strangely enough I was not even scared.


Now let’s move on to the recent event.


During a meeting to activate my Merkaba, something strange happened to me, we started the meditation and I found myself back in time, right on the day of my accident many years ago, and I could clearly see a beautiful light lifting me up, and placing me on the hood of the car, and then depositing me on the tarmac, while holding my head; now I know that the meditation was important, because I had to know that, even though I don’t see them, Angels are there and are Pure Love; thank you.


Angels in action story and vision experiences is the testimonial from Gabriella


Angels in action story and vision experiences


Angels in action story and vision


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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