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Miracles Father Pio Miracles And Graces

Miracles Father Pio Miracles And Graces Of Father Pio Testimonials

Miracles Father Pio Miracles And Graces : I write this letter to thank Father Pio, and to give thanks for the Love of God, my name is Antonietta Conenna, I was born in Maschito Italy on 11th October 1954; until 1989 Father Pio was not worshipped in our family because a few years earlier my mother Giovannina Caggiano and my sister Maria Carmela went to the town of S. Giovanni Rotondo to visit Father Pio along with an ex nun, however as soon as he met with this lady he immediately sent her away (because she was not a believer) my mother was left perplexed at this event, and after that she told us about this story, along with her opinion.
In 1988 on our way back from a trip to a seaside town called Rodi Garganico, where we booked a home for upcoming the summer holidays, I went with my parents to visit the same town of S. Giovanni Rotondo, to visit the Sanctuary.
Even at that time both myself and my parents were left skeptical about it.
However, around Easter of 1989, my mother was diagnosed with an ovary cyst that turned out to be malignant, she underwent surgery in S. Giovanni Rotondo, and was forced to undergo six cycles of chemotherapy.
Since then, every time I went to the hospital to visit my mother I would always first stop in the Church, praying for Father Pio to let my mother live as long as possible, then I would go to the hospital, and that is how my devotion to Father Pio was born.
One night I dreamt of him, and he told me “Your mother no longer needs tests, MRI’s or Markers, for she is healed”. True enough my mother lived another 15 years, until 25th March 2004, (she was 80 when she passed) sadly because of a tumor again, and she suffered a lot, for three years, however the other 12 years were spent living a normal life as if nothing had happened.
One night, when my mother was still in good health, I dreamt again of Father Pio standing in front of the entrance of my parent’s house, and blocking my way with his left foot, asking me “Where are you going?”, and I replied “I am going for a walk”; and He said “you need to stay here and always remember the fifth commandment: Honor your father and mother”; and I replied “are you saying that I am not looking after them or honoring them now? Other parents would be lucky if their children looked after them like I do!” “Who said anything? However, always remember that fifth commandment, honor our Father and Mother”.
At the time I did not understand the meaning of those words, however when they both fell sick, first my mother with the tumor, in January 2000, and then my father from Alzheimer in 2003, (he passed on 25th April 2007, age 91 years), I understood the meaning of those words, because my brother and my sisters live far away from our town of Maschito, and even though they often came to look after my parents every chance they had, it was mostly me who looked after them.
In May 2009 I was at the house of my older sister, I was resting in my little niece’s bed and I dreamt of Father Pio who was laughing heartily, and was coming close to me. When I got up I told my mother about the dream, at the beginning I could not understand the meaning of it, but I understood it in September 2001 when I got engaged to my husband and I booked all the events to take place in the town of S. Giovanni Rotondo, my wedding was celebrated on 22nd October 2001 in the antique church of the Madonna of the Graces (it was a promise I had made with Father Pio when my mother was sick in 1989)
A year after the death of my father, in July 2008, I was diagnosed with a malignant sarcoma on my right breast.
On 11th August 2008 (before the surgery which took place on 10th October 2008 in Ortona, Switzerland) we went to S. Giovanni Rotondo to visit Father Pio with my husband, my sister Maria Carmela (Who came over from England where she lived at the time) and with her two children. While we were standing in front of the wax statue of Father Pio located in the confessional, before descending into the crypt, I felt an extremely sharp pain on my right breast, it was like a hand of steel that pierced the breast and immediately pulled back out, and just at the very moment when this hand was pulling out I had a feeling as if something was detaching from my rib cage (at that time I looked at Father Pio and in tears I asked him in my mind “What else do you want from me, isn’t the suffering of my mother enough? Now you want the same from me?”
When we left the Church I told my sister about what I had just felt inside the Church, my sister said “Father Pio stopped your tumor, you will see, I am sure there will no longer be any growth”. And she was right.
The day of my surgery to the breast, the professor Cianchetti, primary breast surgeon at the hospital in Orgona told my sister who lives in Itimiano Capiago near Como, who had come to assist me, that he could not give her any guarantee for the tumor that had affected me because it had already reached the muscle tissue and he did not even know if he could do reconstructive surgery.
On first of March 2009 I once again dreamed of Father Pio, he had just finished celebrating the Mass, and a gentleman seated in the pew of the Church told me “Do you see who saved you?” It was HIM! Indicating Father Pio
I approached Father Pio and touching his left arm I told him “Father will you give me your blessing?” And He immediately stopped in his tracks, gave me his blessing and left.
During the month of June 2009 I once again dreamt of Father Pio, a gentleman once again told me: “Do you see who is helping you? HIM! And once again he pointed at Father Pio who was next to me on my right hand side, I turned around and looked at Father Pio, he told me “It’s true, I am helping you”, and me “Thank you Father Pio” and I gave him a kiss, and he kissed me also, we did this three times consecutively.
As of today all is well and all tests so fare are showing negative.
Thank you God.
Thank you Father Pio

Miracles Father Pio Miracles And Graces Of Father Pio Testimonials was told by Antonietta Conenna in Maschito, 12th April 2010


Miracles Father Pio Miracles And Graces Of Father Pio Testimonials


Miracles Father Pio Miracles And Graces

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