Le Parole degli Angeli
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Saint Rita from Cascia Saint Espedito graces

Saint Rita from Cascia and Saint Espedito graces received testimonials


Saint Rita from Cascia and Saint Espedito graces : hello Sara, I have already written other testimonials on this site, however today I would like to report, here, the testimonial of a grace I received by two major Saints, Saint Rita from Cascia and from Saint Espedito; this testimonials is in the hope to spread the knowledge of their names, because they are fantastic, when invoked upon form the heart and thanked ahead of time.


I work as a temporary teacher, and nowadays, due to our President’s reform on the schools, many of us have been forced to move away from our families, which is painful, to comply with the unfair choices by our Government which promises a lot but has kept many people in poverty.


Among our colleagues, any teacher who qualified in the categories O and A would have a right to a teaching position in their own province, but all others had no choice but to move, unless they chose to be unemployed, after many years of work, in regions very far away from where they started.


My sister and I, we are both teachers, were in a critical stage. I had realized that if any other new people decided to apply for the same school as mine, I would not make the first two qualifying categories, while my sister, with a little 11 month old son was surely completely cut out, she had no choice but to move, to God knows where.


I prayed so much for a miracle from the two Saints, and miraculously, after so much tribulation, due to other people’s choices and transfers, we discovered that somehow I ended first in the first category and she scraped by the last position in the other qualifying category. So, that meant that we did not have to abandon the family!!!!


It was a grandiose miracle, for which I am grateful, I urge people to have faith, to pray to these two Saints, both Saints of urgent causes, and to believe and to thank them. They are truly magnificent!


Saint Rita from Cascia and Saint Espedito graces received testimonials was told by our Letizia


Saint Rita from Cascia and Saint Espedito graces received testimonials


Saint Rita from Cascia Saint Espedito graces received


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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