Le Parole degli Angeli
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Healing from testicular cancer testimonials

Healing from testicular cancer testimonials of hope


Healing from testicular cancer testimonials : hello Sara, I am Antonino, I don’t know if you remember me, I wrote to you back in December 2014, with this desperate letter “hello Sara, my name is Antonino, I write to you to ask help from your Prayer and Love group, to pray for my twin brother who has testicular cancer; in my family we are very scared and desperate, I personally can not imagine a future without him; we grew up together, he is part of me, my family has already experienced the trauma of the loss of a child, now we can not endure the loss of my brother Francesco also; please, I ask the prayer Group to think of our family, may they pray for Francesco’s healing, may he be able to overcome it; I pray you Sara, I am very sad, and I am very scared, I don’t want to lose him, he is only 24 years old, I can’t take this any more, I am so scared, and I suffer because my brother is suffering and has given up; please Sara, help me, I don’t know who else to turn to, a hug.”


With much joy, I can confirm that my twin brother Francesco is now healed and the chemo therapy was successful. Now everything is under control.


Healing from testicular cancer testimonials of hope is a testimonial from Antonino




Healing from testicular cancer testimonials


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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