Le Parole degli Angeli
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Asking Father Pio for help

Asking Father Pio for help dreaming after the prayer


Asking Father Pio for help : I was expecting my second little girl, it was not an easy pregnancy, I always asked Father Pio for his protection; one night, I dreamt of a monk, dressed in white, comforting me during the dream, because I had just lost my 4 year old girl (in my dream I had lost her and I could not find her) and he pointed to me where she was, and told me she was well and was playing happily, then he added “and don’t worry about the girl you have in your womb, she is doing well (I had been pregnant 4 months, I already knew the sex), and I answered “I don’t understand how you know about it???”, and that’s when in that moment I felt as if a veil had been removed from my eyes, and I recognized him, Father Pio, stupendous, dressed in candid white, and he added “ah, and now you recognize me??? you are always calling me, here I am!!!! oh, I will wait for you in church, and bring me the girls  as well”.


It’s been 8 years, but I still have not been able to go.


Asking Father Pio for help dreaming after the prayer are the words from Giovanna




Asking Father Pio for help


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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