Le Parole degli Angeli
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Ecstasy ecstatic moment encounter with the Light

Ecstasy ecstatic moment encounter with the Light vision of the Light there is only one God story


When I had my first encounter with the Light I was not in a coma. In fact, not all encounters with the Light happen during situations of physical danger (accidents, grave illnesses etc). Some cases have been reported that were related to situations of strong spirituality, so to speak.

It’s impossible to describe this kind of experience by e-mail, and maybe not even a life time would be sufficient to explain it in person, because the Light is beyond everything, beyond every creed and every religion, and I am personally still coming to terms with my experience, so strong it was for me, and I guess I will continue to process it for the rest of my own life.

I had this experience a few months after my mother passed away in 1994. I had always been a bit mystical since I was a child, but after having kissed the cold and lifeless body of my mother I embarked on an internal journey to understand and find out if it was possible for “out there” to really exist. After her death I initially felt more alone, more fragile, but ever so slowly, month after month, I began feeling inside an energy, a strength, something that was calling me.

My first twenty years had not been easy for me (and I believe maybe for everybody): I did not have a good relationship with my father and my sisters, and I fell out of Love with university life; in addition, there was that mourning, the cold marble of that grave.

One night I was feeling particularly down and I decided to go to bed. I had not planned on falling asleep; I just wanted a little peace and quiet. My unhappiness and my problems were even more painful. I asked inside myself for some help from God, I even ended up doubting His existence, and suddenly, with my eyes wide open, I was startled: a Light came to me.

I will explain that never before had I had any visions, or day dreams. Initially I was scared by that Light (our eyes are used to see different stuff), but it was her that was calling me and I immediately calmed down. I intuitively understood that I was seeing what was closest to me, something that knew me already and understood me more than any other person in the world.

It started to communicate with me: it was not a dialogue in the meaning of the word, but more like a simultaneous transmission of ideas and images. I can not explain completely what I learnt from it, but I would like to say that there is only one God, it is identifiable by the Light seen by those who momentarily depart their earthly lives only to then come back again. There is nothing stronger, more beautiful and right than light. Every religion tries to define God and the reality in their own ways, however there is only one truth.

The meeting only lasted a few minutes, but in that very short span of time I understood and communicated so much that maybe entire weeks would not suffice to explain and feel the same emotions: and actually it was like as if time stood still.

I fervently desired to go there, to go over that threshold, but it was explained to me that I had to go back to “the life”, and wait for new future experiences.

The Light went away, however, despite their reassurances, the separation was the most painful thing for me.

Every day I think of that experience and I still manage to communicate with the Light, but I do that through a different channel now.

Now my life has improved: on a material level I am no longer your typical student, but I work and I can better follow my aspirations and my interests; on a spiritual level, compared to the past, it’s as if I now have an additional driving gear available. However, sometimes I feel an overwhelming sadness because I know that I would be feeling much better over there.

I apologize for the lengthy mail, I tried to be somewhat thorough in my explanation.

Ecstasy ecstatic moment encounter with the Light vision of the Light there is only one God story was told by Ernesto




Ecstasy ecstatic moment encounter with the Light vision of the Light there is only one God story



www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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