Le Parole degli Angeli
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OBE testimonial out of body experience Being outside

OBE testimonial out of body experience Being outside your own body OBE testimonial child witness OBE


Dear Sara, this is the first time I am writing to you, you don’t know me, but I would like to tell you about an out of body experience that happened to me when I was 8 or 9 years old.

In my school they used to do regular medical check ups for all children, they found a small cavity in one of my teeth, a molar (still a milk tooth) and, just like with other children, they asked our parents to accompany us into the outpatients clinic where they were going to pull my tooth.

Many children before me were afraid and the doctors were not very patient and, when I saw that they even slapped a child on the face, I decided to stay quiet and behave very well when it came my turn to have my tooth removed.

When my turn arrived they sprayed something cold to anesthetize part of my mouth, then they put a cotton ball into my mouth to stop the bleeding. I honestly did not feel any pain, but maybe because I saw the blood and the bad taste of the cotton ball in my mouth, or maybe it was just the accumulated tension to keep myself under control, all of a sudden I saw everything black, I shouted “I can’t see anymore”!! and then I fell on the floor. Then …. I saw the mother of a class mate of mine taking me into her own arms, my mother next to me looking worried and afraid, they took me to the medical office and they put me on a stretcher, I could see all of this from up above, I was well, I was happy and I was enjoying myself, it was a very pleasant sensation, I could see the nurse putting a little bottle under my nose, at some point I smelled a very strong aroma of vinegar, and I became was annoyed as I reopened my eyes and I found myself lying down.

Frankly I was rather irritated, but I could not understand why.

For a long time I told people that I “passed out but I must not have passed out completely because I watched the whole thing”, I was small and I did not understand what had happened to me. Many years later I understood that the one thing I did not understand was that I did not watch the whole thing from lying down but from up above, I even saw myself, first of all in the arms of my class mate and then laying down on the stretcher.

I never experienced anything like that ever since, even though I passed out many more times when I was young. I am now 60 years old but I still remember that experience as if it just happened. In my long and difficult life I have had many other experiences that made me feel the presence of someone next to me, but I am afraid I might have already written too much and I don’t want to bore anyone.

A kiss,


OBE testimonial out of body experience Being outside your own body OBE testimonial child witness OBE was told by Adria





OBE testimonial out of body experience Being outside your own body OBE testimonial child witness OBE



www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en  The words of the Angels


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