Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese

Preghiere dal Cielo

Beatitudes For Our Times Poem

Beatitudes For Our Times Poem Blessed Are Those Who


Beatitudes For Our Times Poem


Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves:


They will never stop having fun.


Blessed are those who can distinguish


a little pebble from a mountain:


they will avoid a lot of nuisances.


Blessed are those who can listen and be quiet:


They will learn many new things


Blessed are those who are careful


To the requests from others:


They will be providers of joy.


Blessed you will be if you will know


How to pay attention to small things


And will calm to important things:


You will go far in life.


Blessed you will be if you can appreciate a smile


And forget a rude gesture: your journey


Will always be full of sunshine.


Blessed you will be if you will be able to interpret


With benevolence other people’s attitude


Even against appearances: you will be judged


As naïve, but this is the price of love.


Blessed are those who think before they cat


And who pray before they think:


They will avoid many silly mistakes.


Especially blessed you will be if you can recognize


The Lord in all people you will meet:


You have found the true light and true peace.


Beatitudes For Our Times Poem Blessed Are Those Who


Beatitudes For Our Times Poem Blessed Are Those Who


Beatitudes For Our Times Poem


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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