Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese

Preghiere dal Cielo

The last thank you poems

The last thank you poems we give thanks to God


The last thank you poems


With a sincere heart with give our thanks to God

who accompanied us next to you during the long journey

of pain until the final offering of your life

who now rests in God.


In the modest home of back then your parents

welcomed you with joy and gratitude.


With faith you placed in the arms of the Virgin Mary

Your life and your suffering: and they

have been for us a sign of love.


We started our journey to console you, and we were the ones consoled;

to sustain you, and we were sustained;

to give you strength and we found in you strength and hope.


In your handshake and in your sunny gaze

immersed in the pain we understood that man

is not alone, there is a God who loves us, consoles us

and helps us bring to the end the cross of salvation.


Thank you, God, for Life,

for guiding us and illuminating us

thank you for this modest life, that before

welcoming it into your eternal embrace

was donated to us by you.


The last thank you poems


The last thank you poems we give thanks to God


The last thank you poems


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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