Le Parole degli Angeli
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I have a dream I dream that one day poem

I have a dream I dream that one day all men poem from Martin Luther King I have a dream I dream that


I have a dream I dream that one day all men poem


I have a dream


I dream that one day all men

will raise and understand

that they are meant to live as brothers.


I dream that one day the blacks of this land

and every man of color of the entire world

will be judged based on their personal value

and not by the color of their skin and that all men

will respect the dignity of a human being.


I dream that one day justice

will flow like water

and nicety like an overflowing river.


I dream that one day the war will end

and men will turn their swords into ploughs

their bows into sickles; nations will no longer pit

one person against the other and will not plan

any more wars.


That will be a wonderful day!

the morning stars will sing together

and children of God will scream with joy!


I have a dream I dream that one day all men poem from Martin Luther King I have a dream I dream that was the poem of Martin Luther King




I have a dream I dream that one day all men poem from Martin Luther King I have a dream I dream that


I have a dream


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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