Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese

Preghiere dal Cielo

I live in gratitude poems Watkins

I live in gratitude poems Watkins for all I have given and for all I received


I live in gratitude poems Watkins


For all I have given


And for all I have received


For the beauty in my life


For the pains I have known


For the challenges I face


For the road I have covered so far


For my courage and for my gifts


And for the wisdom I have learned


For the journey and the experience


For the kindness along the way


For my dreams and my desires


For the trust I have learned


For the joy and inspiration


For the purpose I just discovered


For the miracles that will come


And for what tomorrow has in store for me


For all the love I have known


And for the Love I still have to give


For my friends, my home, and my family


And for the time to find myself


For the abundance and simplicity


For grace and opportunity


For the possibility to make a difference


For the faith in knowing that I will do that


I live in gratitude poems Watkins




I live in gratitude poems Watkins for all I have given and for all I received


I live in gratitude poems


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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