Le Parole degli Angeli
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Listen to your God To Wake Up It is Time for Growth Messages from the Virgin Mary and Jesus

Listen to your God To Wake Up It is Time for Growth Messages from the Virgin Mary and Jesus
'My dearest children, I have come to ask for your help for the entire world, to achieve this, you have to remember that your commitment was to help someone, just like you would help a friend of yours.
Dear brothers, certainly that teaching did not help, the sentiment inside you is good, but wake up - because many brothers are experiencing difficult moments, children, it would be sufficient if all of you did something to dry those tears, if you see a brother in need, give him all the support and the love and all the grace that I myself gave you, together with the help that I have always given to all. I always want to see you like me.
It is time for growth so that you will be able to grow in the spirit.
'Also, I had a few words of mine that I wanted to share with you'
'His intervention, the intervention that my son has come to give, my son comes to you'.
To change many situations all it's needed is for you to continue to give love, also for that begging brother that many a times stood at the traffic light, to give money for life does not resolve anything at all, but if your help to those brothers is guided by your love, then that love would be enough to be of real help to them, it does not mean that you have to do the opposite, but your help is fundamental, give out this treasure, you should do it always, it's better than a holy rosary in life, certainly it's important and it's nicer with it, but do bring the sign of direct help, I hope to see a lot of your help out there, therefore shake yourselves up - and bring my love with you.
Very well brothers, I bless you one by one in the faith and bring you my help in the whole world and we hug you and I hope it will help all of you who are reading these holy words that I have given you, all this is always for love.
On another occasion soon I will talk to you because for me, brothers are all the same in the entire world, they all need my words and my understanding, for this reason you need to always leave the shadow behind you to speed up your journey.
I must leave you now, with all my love I part from you, but I will talk to the Father about you today, He will be happy.
'Our Father lives for you'
He gave you your body to love your brothers on earth.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
'My children, you are never too late for Love'
Virgin Mary and Jesus
Listen to your God To Wake Up It is Time for Growth Messages from the Virgin Mary and Jesus was the Message received 30th May 2003
Listen to your God To Wake Up It is Time for Growth Messages from the Virgin Mary and Jesus
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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