Le Parole degli Angeli
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The Right Way Busy Donating Love To Other Message From Jesus

The Right Way Busy Donating Love To Other Message From Jesus
Dear brothers today I have come to say hello and also to bring you my holy words, just before our friend Sara will go on holiday.
I have been observing you lately and I have to say that you have pleasantly surprised me because I watched your hearts and I have seen that the light that our Father donated to you long time ago is lighting up: this light is already illuminating the hearts of many other brothers of yours, if you could only see what a marvel this light is, which is illuminating your planet; keep at it, my brothers and sisters, and soon you will see a new world which will be born from this new light that has lit up thanks to all of you.
I am very happy to have helped you find the right way again, the path that leads to the Home of your Father.
I will always be with you to help you and to teach you many things that you still have to understand, but what I have taught so far is sufficient to begin this transformation of our and your land, the planet that is hosting you.
If you keep spreading my teachings soon my words will also be shared by many other brothers and sisters and all of us, together and at the same time, we will make this planet shine with all the love that we have in our hearts and we will bring the peace, the love and the true justice in every country and every brother and every sister will be happier and happier to be living next to his or her brothers without those false borders and those barriers that you have put between yourselves, my dear brothers.
Brothers and sisters I give you a kiss with all my great, great, great love and next time I hope to find you again even more numerous, the next time I will come to dictate a new message it will be when our friend Sara will be back to her computer.
My brothers and sisters I am very proud of what you are doing and for this reason I have come today to donate to you these holy words of mine, I like watching you and listening to you talking with your brothers that you meet on the road and I observe you with joy while you help those who need your support and help and I feel an immense relief watching you donate your love to those who needs it the most and I love watching you while you try to get close to every brother and every sister without making any distinction between brothers, it's like this that I always want to see you, my brothers and sisters, all of you always busy donating love to other brothers and other sisters.
For the moment I say goodbye to you with all the love that I have in my heart for you brother and sisters of mine, I love you very, very, very much, really very much, and I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, the Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit, go in peace with my Spirit.
Your brother Jesus who always, always, always will be with you to help you in this wonderful mission for all of us and all of you brothers and sisters of the world.
The Right Way Busy Donating Love To Other Message From Jesus was the Message received 14th July 2003
The Right Way Busy Donating Love To Other Message From Jesus
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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