Le Parole degli Angeli
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Pain Suffering To Be In The Middle Of A War Survival Message

Pain Suffering To Be In The Middle Of A War Survival Message
My dear children, today I have come to talk to you through our friend Sara Luce's Guardian Angel, because soon I will also be able to talk to all of you next to my son Jesus Christ who is dictating these marvellous messages for you.
You see my children, the situation is getting worse for those children of mine who live in the territories at war because they don't have the basic elements to survive, if you knew how much suffering these children are going through, if you knew what it means to be in the middle of a war, not knowing if you will survive till tomorrow and not being able to protect all of your loved ones starting from your own children, not being able to worry about the many things of which you worry about when you are not at war, because survival is the real and single problem that those people have.
These are some of the aspects of their pain that I see when they call for me with their prayers and with their implorations and today I have chosen to share their great pain with all of you who are listening to these words.
This is why my children, you need to continue to do all that is possible to stop this war, this does not mean that you should not prepare for the Holy Christmas and new year festivities, but do try my children to always have in your good hearts a thought and a gesture of love for those brothers that live in a Country at war.
I am leaving you for now, this message is very brief but it's full of meaning and for this reason I invite you to read it one more time and to feel this pain from your brothers in your own heart because only by feeling it you will do all that is possible to help find a solution of Peace for these brothers who, one day, here in the Sky were created from my immense Love, just like you.
You will see that when there will be many of you to really want Peace on your planet then even your governments will change their policies and Peace will finally shine on your planet earth.
I send you my blessing and all of our great, great Love that I have in my heart for all of my children; I bless you in the name of the Father, of this brother Jesus Christ, in the name of the Virgin Mary and of the Holy Spirit, go in my Peace and with our Spirit.
Your Father who is in the skies and who wants to see you busy helping your brothers who are at war.
Pain Suffering To Be In The Middle Of A War Survival Message was the Message dictated 7th December 2003
Pain Suffering To Be In The Middle Of A War Survival Message
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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