Le Parole degli Angeli
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Help A Help For Those Brothers At War Request For Help From Jesus Christ

Help A Help For Those Brothers At War Request For Help From Jesus Christ
My dear brothers and my dear sisters, all brothers, today I have come to talk to you once again about this war that threatens to destroy part of your beautiful planet, earth.
My adored brothers, there is no time to lose because the situation is getting progressively worse day by day; those brothers who live in those war zones are ever more prostrated and even primary resources that ensure their survival are running low.
Brothers do whatever is possible to stop this absurd war before those people will die like flies, to use an expression of yours, one of your ways to express yourselves.
Send all the help possible, sanitary and food, to help those brothers, do not waste your own money for unnecessary gifts, send your money, whatever you can spare, to help your brothers who are suffering for the war.
Do not shut yourselves up in your comfortable homes, many of which are decked up for the upcoming Christmas, but donate help and love to your brothers who have so little and who are at risk of dying for the lack of food needed to stay alive.
These brothers represent me when I used to wander from one town to another with my father and with my mother, looking for a place in which to stop and try to live and for me to grow within peace.
Even at that time there were many wars and I know from direct experience what it means to be afraid not to survive because of a war of because of the lack of food or a warm shelter.
Do you remember how much road we had to cover before we could find a place where I could be born and in which to try to let me grow up so that I could share my teachings to all of you?
These brothers who are at war live the same painful condition that my family and I experienced, also for this reason I solicit you to help those brothers of yours, they are not very different from all of you and most importantly their Soul is identical to all of your own Souls, therefore brothers do help them, help them survive and truly rebuild their land torn from the wrongful power in all meanings of the word and this means not only the power that was before this war, but also the power that they are imposing with weapons during this absurd war.
This message is a request for help for those brothers because I see their suffering and I listen to their heart wrenching requests for our help.
Brothers we can not send food and help in concrete, but you can, and it's for this reason that I come to you, because you can help in their tragedy, in part, a tragedy of an existence that has reached the limit of a possibility for survival.
I thank you for all that you can do starting from today for those brothers.
I bless you in the name of my Father, my Holy Name, in the name of the Virgin Mary and of the Holy Spirit, always go within my Peace and be of help to all of our brothers who are helping
Your brother Jesus Christ who has come to ask you to help Him help those brothers in this absurd war.
Help A Help For Those Brothers At War Request For Help From Jesus Christ was the Message dictated 14th December 2003
Help A Help For Those Brothers At War Request For Help From Jesus Christ
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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