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Help Others Words Of God Father To Be So Loving In A World Ravaged By Violence

Help Others Words Of God Father To Be So Loving In A World Ravaged By Violence
Today I want to reach out to those sweet children of mine, men and women, who help others with all of their great love, the immense love that I see in their hearts.
I see what you are doing, I see all that you are donating, I see all of the effort, the attention that you are putting into your actions and all of the love that you give out helping your other brothers and this effort of yours is source of great happiness to my eyes that are watching you because you are full of love just like when I had created you here in the Sky of God our Father.
My sweet children, I know very well that it is not easy to be so loving in a world ravaged by violence, I know how difficult it is when you feel powerless because you are not able to understand why so many people refuse your love and continue to follow roads that do not lead to the solution of problems, on the contrary, sometimes they take roads that contribute to complicate the situation; but children, this is sometimes necessary for everyone to achieve awareness of their own mistakes, of their own faults, of their own prerogative to change path and then choose to change path. Everything that you sow will be remembered, nothing is wasted, these people who today are offending you with their lack of respect, those who did not listen to what you could have communicated, those same people that have offended you or worse ignored you and ignored you despite the great and plentiful love that you were giving them for their well being, one fine day those same people will remember every single sentence of yours, every gesture, every action and thanks to this they will manage to change their paths and even if they will not thank you personally, in their great hearts will thank you for all that you have donated to them.
Children, for every thank you that you receive, there are many thank you that many hearts utter in silence; remember these words of mine next time around, because there will certainly be another time when sadness will invade your good hearts with tears; do not cry my children because I will be next to you with all of my affection, I will be next to each one of you to console you, to give your sweet Souls great relief, I will dry your tears, not only the physical ones but the ones coming from your hearts and I will sing you a sweet song so that your wonderful hearts will be cradled just like a good Father cradles his children and I will sing you a sweet sweet song that talks about the great, great love that I have for you, for my children that do a lot to help their own brothers.
Today's message is reaching it's conclusion, but I am always in touch with all of my children and I take note of everything and I am always next to you, you must remember this because this is the truth that I have always been telling you. We are always together and every thing that happens to you is as if it happened to both of us at the same time, and together we will endure it, we will share the joys and when there will be sadness then I will take you in my arms and I will cuddle you singing for you my children songs of love and then I will take up our road again and we will be always together, in joy and in sadness.
Now I say goodbye to you and I kiss you with all of the great love that I always have in my hearts for you, for my children, those that are already aware of the road to love and those who are still looking.
I hug you and I sing you a love song.
Your Father who today dictated these words for his children who want to help their brothers find the road to love and harmony.
Children now I will say goodbye to you but remember that I am always with you in the difficult road that is life on your planet. Thank you for having listened to me, I kiss you one more time and then once again and once again
The Father of all of his children.
Help Others Words Of God Father To Be So Loving In A World Ravaged By Violence was the Message dictated 04th February 2004
Help Others Words Of God Father To Be So Loving In A World Ravaged By Violence
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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