Le Parole degli Angeli
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Couple Being A Couple Ingredients Of The Love Story Reflections

Couple Being A Couple Ingredients Of The Love Story Reflections
Brothers and sisters of mine, today I want to talk to you about being a couple.
I see so many couples that are having difficulties so I decided to talk to you about this delicate subject.
Without doubt the first ingredient for a good relationship is the love that the two people feel, when they think about each other, when they meet, when they share every experience, every moment of happiness or difficulty.
Another ingredient for a couple is the contribution that each one makes to this love story.
Another ingredient is the relationship with the siblings and with those other brothers that are considered family.
Another ingredient is the keenness to give one's own love to others without expecting anything in return, but to give as a propensity to unconditional love.
Finally another important ingredient is the availability to grow and evolve as a person.
You see my brothers, there are so many ingredients to live with serenity a relationship as a couple.
If any one of these ingredients is missing, the couple can no longer function well; sometimes in life things will happen that will temporarily not allow one to tend his or her love relationship as best as he can, but eventually these moments must necessarily come to an end otherwise the suffering will begin to establish itself within the couple.
There is a lot of work, as you can see, in managing to build and maintain a good relationship of love.
When I look at your relationships I realize that often more than one of those necessary ingredients are missing to allow your relationship to bring you those indescribable feelings that exist with a happy couple.
Let' reflect on the first ingredient, love.
All of us children have lots, lots of love in our heart; this feeling is the gift from our Father to us specifically to help us grow within love, to be able to be like Him, which means Absolute Love. This feeling, this emotion acts like a powerful magnet, it's present in each one of us and it pushes us towards evolution.
The same feeling is what pushes us to look for and meet other people, who are also searching as a result of their own initiative toward the same evolution.
For this reason you fall in love, each one of you does all that is in your power to experiment new and more evolved forms of love to grow exactly your own aptitude to love.
On the other hand when I see couples that instead of experimenting this growth they stop and become complacent or even worse, when I see people that instead of growing they get worse, then my brothers, I ask myself what is the purpose, the aim, the sense of this staying together.
Then I see those that block the growth process in the couple because of their small but dangerous fears, then I ask myself, what can this person understand if their own path is obstructed?
When I listen to you and you beg me to help you by helping the person that is with you, then I ask myself, instead of asking for help, why does this person not teach their brother or sister to love and to consider the other person as a subject of love and not an object of love?
When I see heated discussions with the relatives, to these affections being attacked, then I ask myself, why not learning to respect all of these feelings that are present in the other person's heart?
When I see how so much love is destroyed, I ask myself, how can it be possible to be so selfish and blind not to realize that those who impose themselves on the couple are those who inflict by far the most damage in the first place?
These reflections want to stimulate you in turn to reflect on your relationship as a couple whether you already are in a couple, or the couple that you are building, or if you are still looking.
I am sure that for many of you, these words will be sufficient to review your own couple and to change a few things if necessary, while others will begin to look at a couple with different eyes and this will constitute the beginning of the path of reflection and I hope a path of action on one's own couple.
I am concluding today's message, but just like every good older brother, I invite you to always put your great love in every thought, feeling, attitude and action of yours because only Love has this great power of transformation also on your love relationships.
I say goodbye to you with all of the love that I have for you brothers, I hope that his message will be of help to all of those brothers that will read it, I send you a big, big kiss
Your brother Jesus Christ
Couple Being A Couple Ingredients Of The Love Story Reflections was the Message dictated 25th February 2004
Couple Being A Couple Ingredients Of The Love Story Reflections
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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