Le Parole degli Angeli
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Soon With All Of You Overcoming Of Injustices And Principle Of Equality Amongst All

Soon With All Of You Overcoming Of Injustices And Principle Of Equality Amongst All
My dear brothers and my dear sisters, as I am saying with this title, soon I will be amongst you again to talk to all of you about Love and the path to follow to be all together again in the wonderful Love that created all of us a long time ago, our Father.
Today's message is a greeting because Sara Luce is leaving for another short holiday but her wish and my wish to say hello to you is too important not to take advantage of the moment and to dictate a few lines for you my loved brothers and my loved sisters who are awaiting my return to 'normality', meaning our weekly appointments and the many letters that are awaiting to be sent.
Soon I will be with all of you, again with you, again together, again there will be our wonderful connection.
Today I just wanted to say hello and wish you again happy holidays to all of you; I am happy to notice how much you are doing, I see many, many of you putting Love in the first place in their lives and I see you experimenting with your other brothers and sisters a new type of relationship based specifically on the recognition that you are all brothers amongst you.
This is what I see and this fills me with joy because this recognition warms up every relationship, makes every contact more genuine, makes every exchange of affection between you more authentic and this is also the result of the sweet teachings that I have been dictating so far.
Problems do persist in your world but my brothers many of these problems are born out of people feeling separate from one another, from seeing your wishes going the opposite direction, from feeling different, sometimes richer and sometimes poorer than other brothers and this pushes you to envy, to yearn for what your brothers possess or, on the contrary, pushes you to make yourselves feel superior to your brothers and to put many barriers, obstacles, between yourselves and your brothers because you are afraid of losing those privileges, but my brothers these are nothing but illusions that are tied to possession of material goods; God gave everything to everybody, not only to a few elected, listen, when God created all that is now on planet earth, as every source of richness exists on earth, He gave this to all men so that they could exchange it and enrich one another reciprocally so that there would be no very rich people and no very poor people, only human beings who could have lived all together in dignity, in freedom and most especially more than possessing material things, that could grow and experiment affections within Love.
For this reason my dear brothers, seeing you consider living as brothers is so important for me to witness today because many injustices can be overcome; it's in the overcoming of these injustices that this principle of equality amongst all brothers in the world is affirmed.
May today's message guide you in your path and illuminate you always.
I am happy to have communicated this important concept to you today, I just meant to say hello and instead I taught you a very important concept.
My brothers, now I really will say goodbye as I had promised, I send you a big kiss, as big as your planet earth.
Soon we will be together again and I can't wait for these few days to go quickly so that I can be together with all of you again.
I bless you in the name of our Father, in the name of this Son of His, in the name of the Virgin Mary and of the Holy Spirit, always go in Peace and bring Peace to all of those brothers in the entire world.
Your brother Jesus who is always next to you.
Soon With All Of You Overcoming Of Injustices And Principle Of Equality Amongst All was the Message dictated 17th August 2004
Soon With All Of You Overcoming Of Injustices And Principle Of Equality Amongst All
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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