Le Parole degli Angeli
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Messages to humanity - The light of our love

My loved brothers and my loved sisters, in our message, my loved brothers and my loved sisters, I shall talk to you about our Love.

In our previous messages I mentioned that we, your brothers, myself, the Virgin Mary and the Father send light upon earth from up here in Paradise.

Do you remember the image I described to you? Our light as the fabric of the canvas on which your own Love draws a masterpiece?

Our fabric is important to allow all of you to be your own authors of your masterpieces.

I will now explain what this fabric is like.

Think of a room full of brothers who chose to help you, support you with their Love.

The brothers are focused on you, they observe you with the awareness in their hearts of your own individual difficulties and those as part of a group of incarnated brothers currently on earth. And in the heart the experience of reality, of possibility, truly experienced in the Sky, to always be able to Love, to always build relationships always based on Love, to be able to exist in this dimension of natural Love, a dimension that is desired, impressed in the heart of all children of God by the light of the Love.

In this room is the awareness of the possibility to extrapolate, through the thread that unites everyone, your own feeling of Love, to feed, to help, to support, to heal every form of non-Love in the bodies and between brothers.

Imagine these brothers who all together now unite their Love, their intent to donate Love to you to allow you to express your own Love through all other brothers.

Now imagine the light that comes from this room, it’s the light that contains all of these hearts, all the desire to help you, all the happiness at the awareness of helping you and for this reason the joy to be able to participate to a moment of Love for you brothers.

Imagine that this light starts running along this thread along endless and constant offshoots, and it runs and it runs, my brothers, along all branches and the crossings of the whole of your earth until they envelop it completely; on one extremity are those brothers, and when all threads are illuminated, at the other extreme is the heart of all of you.

At the moment of contact, your heart opens up and hugs this light, placing it inside itself until it feeds itself of it, or wherever there is a need for it, to heal itself or wherever there is a need for it, to carry again hope in difficult relationships or difficult tasks.

And all of a sudden your heart reflects a light of thankfulness and through Love it traces back these paths to return to Paradise and allows your brothers to answer with your own words to the Love that was sent to them.

These replies push new Love with increasing intensity because this light contains the certainty of the possibility of a change in Love for everybody, a constant evolution, parallel, of the earth and the Sky.

And this message of certainty takes up the road again, its thread toward earth, toward each one of you and your heart that opens up and responds in turn by re-sending thankfulness and reporting all the problems they had experienced.

And the thread replies back by giving back in this Sky all of your words and your brothers reply by placing once again thoughts of Love to allow all of you the solution to these problems and the happiness at being of help to you.

Do you think that this exchange could finish at some point? It’s impossible to even think of it for all of us, parents, brothers, friends, for all of us children of God, and every reply reignites the desire to help all of you with Love and another infinite transmission will be created.

There are moments when your needs are more important for yourselves and other moments when the main needs are toward the groups of brothers and these are the moments where Love is important to redefine your many relations, your organizations, your discoveries, your new methods and the lifestyles of your societies.

You are aware of our help through the light, go ahead and activate through your replies what will be our next help, ask from your heart, our Love will reply. It’s the constant reply that will allow evolution.

And on the subject of replies, my loved brothers and my loved sisters, why don’t you ask for help to resolve the conflict that for a long time, too long a time, has been staining Iraq with blood?

Ask with the awareness that all our Love will reach the heart of all brothers on earth.

With all my Love

Your brothers Jesus Christ


Message transmitted 17th May 2006


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