Le Parole degli Angeli
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Joy Happiness Enthusiasm Love Hope In Jesus

Joy Happiness Enthusiasm Love Hope In Jesus
My dear and loved brothers, my dear and loved sisters, this new message is to express our best Christmas Wishes and the hope of a wonderful new year for each one of you brothers.
Let's begin this message with my wish for all of you brothers.
I am your brother Jesus, we have spent a lot of time together this year; I have dictated many messages which you have read either from our website or from the letters sent by Sara Luce.
I am proud of the progress that I have seen you make and the light that you reflect is beautiful right now. You have covered a lot of ground and this makes me proud of all of you and proud of myself too because I have helped you grow by always putting a lot of effort and all of my affection for my brothers.
This is what I want to express in today's message, it's my joy at having helped you brothers, my happiness in your growth, my enthusiasm when seeing that your Love expresses itself more and more; my Love is very strong for you brothers and the hope that the world will be illuminated thanks to your Love is now almost a certainty.
I am thankful to you for having followed me with all of your attention; some advice, a personalized answer was given to you with the many letters to which we have replied this year and through these letters we have been close to you and these answers from the Sky have helped you, they have cuddled you, they have taught you, they have reminded you of the infinite Love which is in our hearts for each one of my brothers on earth, no exceptions.
With these letters we have donated Love, hope and we have helped you overcome moments of great difficulty.
Sara Luce herself had a moment of difficulty due to the intensity of the emotions she felt, poor Sara Luce, this has been a complicated period for her, but now that she has understood how certain emotions can lead to error, with this awareness and with all of the Love that she has inside, she has continued with this commitment at our side. For this reason I am proud of the progress that she has made because it is not simple to dedicate oneself to us, who give a sign of our presence through our whispers, but Love also helped her during her difficult times and this is how we can still talk to you today.
This contact with us is difficult and it's not easy to always put the necessary amount of Love to reach us, but Sara Luce is learning to get in contact with us through the simplicity of Love and this is a remarkable progress.
I would also like for you to understand that in the simplicity of Love everyone can feel our help, everyone can feel the immense Love that we have in our hearts for you, everyone can help their brothers through our advice and teachings, all that is necessary is the simplicity of Love.
Now that I have dictated my last advice for this year, which is now ending, I send you my wishes for the new year, brothers begin this 2005 with the simplicity of your wonderful Love.
Your brother Jesus says goodbye and I will leave you to the words of my mother Virgin Mother Mary.
My dear children, today I can speak to you directly, I am lighting up with joy because of this, I have also followed you during this year and I have noticed the great progress that each one of you has made.
I have answered many letters and I have given you my advice, I have consoled you and cuddled you with my Love.
If you knew the joy when my son would inform me of a new letter just arrived for my attention, it is an indescribable joy to be able to be next to you children, being able to help you and support you, this is my great joy, taking care of my children who are on earth and who face many difficulties in growing within Love.
My greatest joy has been being able to help you, to transmit my words and give you new hope in your hearts.
This was my experience of this year together, this was my great joy for the year that is about to begin and that will see us together again, next to you with all of the Love that we have for you my children.
My wish for a new year is also for all of my adored children, may there be moments of joy, of happiness, of celebration, this is my wish because sometimes I can see you are very worried and the moments of great joy serve to understand that life is not only sacrifice or pain, life is rich with experiences of splendid Love.
Now I hug all of you, may my great Love for you refresh you like the extremely pure water from the mountains, may it bring joy in all of your hearts, may it restore a balance in your conflict situation with your brothers, may Love always be the emotions during your days.
Before I say goodbye I will leave you to the words that the Father wants to dedicate to you today.
My children, your Father is very very happy about the progress that you have made, when I look at you I get teary-eyed because I look inside the eyes of my children with love and I realize just how much your Love has grown and just like a Father with his children I feel a strong emotion of calm, it's the most complete emotion because within calm there is the acknowledgment of the journey of growth, there is the acknowledgment of your every progress, there is acknowledgment of what you have achieved so far, there is acknowledgment of how much you have grown and the hope of what you can still become over the course of the time that you have in front of you.
This awareness gives me a beautiful feeling of calm, you are no longer like small children within the Love now you are young men and I harbor the hope to see you become adults over the course of your existence.
This is what I wanted to communicate to you because this is the most beautiful emotion that a Father can feel and I am very proud of your extremely important progress, I know it is not easy to do that in the world that you live in but you have done it and now you too can teach your brothers who are still like small children to grow just like you did.
This is my wish for the next year 2005, may you help many of your brothers grow within Love.
Children today we want to give you a special blessing: may your Love continue on the path of growth, may your Love illuminate your world and overcome the evil of selfishness between brothers, of injustice between brothers, of artificial separation between countries and economies, may your Love triumph and assert the principle of Respect and Love across the world.
Today's message is concluding, but it's only our words that terminate here because the Love that we feel right now is enormous.
We have been at your side every single moment, every spring, every summer, every autumn, every winter, every single moment of your life, what is different now is that you are aware of it and aware of the fact that this help with accompany you forever.
May hope accompany you forever and ever
Your brother Jesus, the Virgin Mother Mary and our Father
Message dictated 22th December 2004
Title Joy Happiness Enthusiasm Love Hope In Jesus
Choose English version in www.leparoledegliangeli.com (the words of the Angels)

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