Le Parole degli Angeli
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Awareness of Being a Heart Experience of Harmony Peace in the Hearts Messages from God the Father

Awareness of Being a Heart Experience of Harmony Peace in the Hearts Messages from God the Father
My loved sons, my loved daughters, my loved creatures, my loved ones, my loved creatures, today the Father comes among you to speak to you and to help you grow up by listening to your heart, learning the Love that is inside it, recognizing the truth that has always been inside you.
There was once a time when all of your hearts lived unaware through many and many situations, however recently you have been looking for awareness of being a heart that expresses itself inside many situations.
My creatures, it’s not a case of a sudden passage from unawareness to awareness because, as you noticed, our help changes you sweetly moment after moment, moment of listening to your heart after moment of listening to your heart.
This journey sees among you a great availability and your brothers, when reading this, understand and experiment together with you.
Sara Luce, like you, experiments moment after moment and it makes me proud to notice that Peace inside your hearts is in constant increase and this experience of Harmony among all of you and all of us, reminds me of the experience that all of you felt at the time of your sojourn here with me in this Sky.
The experience is extraordinary because in the Sky it’s easy to feel me, however, on earth, shrinking the distances that are supposed to exist between all of us, is the fruit of your research, it’s the result of listening to me as I am present inside your heart, it’s the result of the recognition of my Love that has always been with you, everywhere.
Now you listen and you hear me, now you talk to me and you hear me, now you ask me questions and you listen.
What a sweet experience it is to hear me and to hear you.
It’s the sweetest experience to be with you as you are aware of your Father being present, a sweet impression of intimacy, as a Father I could not be happier than when I feel you close to me, sometimes there are not even words to express the feeling inside my heart, joy, a lot of joy and enthusiasm, always and always, contentment at seeing those eyes that look for me in the heart, and happiness, much happiness, for every moment spent in this intimacy.
Feelings…… what are feelings….. when in your heart you feel a light illuminate and you look for the words to express the emotion you are feeling in order to send it from you, from your heart, to the other person, you are within that feeling. This is this experience of contact inside you, the light that illuminated and that corresponds to the intensity of the emotion that you would like to express to the other person, the intensity of the light that was illuminated inside you. This is what being in the feeling is.
And today your Father, while expressing his own feeling to you, also feels an absolute feeling, and as I talk to you I am Feeling, and as I dictate to you I am Feeling.
Listening to myself within that feeling makes me aware of my Love as I express it I am aware that I am reaching another heart through my feeling, causing inside that heart the illumination of the emotion of that heart. It’s my feeling that gives the possibility to the other person to light up and experimenting himself his own being within his feeling.
The sweet experience that allows me to feel myself as Love is to spread the light from my heart to another heart and from my heart I know, in awareness, that I exist as Love.
And the emotion of your father, so intense because it is so free to feel itself completely, in the passage from my heart to yours, donates Peace. It’s the intensity of my heart that is a source of Peace for your hearts.
And the Peace that lights up inside your hearts is the reflection of my feeling myself within the expression of my emotion, directed toward all of you.
What a sweet experience to be an intense feeling that sends Peace to other hearts.
This feeling is therefore Harmony, Harmony among our feelings, Harmony between our many hearts.
Now I see all of you embraced to my hearts, it’s really a great group hug, and I send my joy to all of your hearts, a group hug within joy, being like this reminds me that the time you spend on earth is not eternal and I have the entire eternity to hug you tight to my heart. Aaah, what a wonderful thought, I have the entire eternity to hug you, it just takes a moment, however, to embrace you even in this specific moment while you are on earth, what a joy my children, I can embrace you on earth and also on our Sky, this moment of contact between our hearts can exist always.
And remember, my loved ones, that the experience that your Father described to you starting from His Love, from His heart, in awareness, can be experimented directly also by your hearts when feeling inside your emotion and when bringing your emotion to other people. And just like your Father, you will light up the Peace in the hearts of all of your brothers.
Remember this experience, recognize this experience inside your wonderful hearts.
I am always embraced to you, what a joy.
Your Father
Message transmitted 13th December 2006
Title Awareness of Being a Heart Experience of Harmony Peace in the Hearts Messages from God the Father
Choose English version in www.leparoledegliangeli.com (the words of the Angels)

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