Le Parole degli Angeli
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Reflection Results of Reflection Peace to Understand To Listen To Motive Love that Generated Action

Reflection Results of Reflection Peace to Understand To Listen To Motive Love that Generated Action
My sweet and loved children, often in life sudden situations give you discomfort, worry, fear, perplexities, these and many more feelings go right through you and the resulting action is the outcome in the reality of the alternating feelings.
I saw mixed results, some impulsiveness, some reaction, but I also saw results of reflection.
I come to give you my help through my words to allow you to have reactions as much as possible that will be the product of reflection.
You should immediately think about the heart that originated the situation. The unforeseen circumstance was originated by a heart, what was the reason for it? Conflict, selfishness, desperation, need, need of help for himself, for others, confusion, misunderstandings, what could have caused that sudden experience?
Inside the heart there is peace in observation, you need peace to understand, to comprehend what generated that sudden situation inside that heart.
Concentrate on what you are understanding, do not judge what that heart produced, instead focus on the why.
Now that you are aware of the reasons why, go ahead and question yourselves, how could it be possible to have Love in this moment? It is possible if you react from your heart to the need of that heart, as opposed to react to the method.
Your heart responds to their heart’s question.
Now love will help.
I taught you to respect yourselves and to respect all your other brothers.
Right now your questioning yourselves, your listening to your hearts for an answer to your brother’s questions means respect for yourselves.
Is it selfishness or need, there are countless answers that your heart could give you, and your action is being originated right at that moment.
If inside your heart your intention is to help, take full responsibility for the choice you matured inside your heart and bring your help in a way that will allow the Love that generated that help to express itself as best as it can.
Even if the heart chooses not to help, carry the same affection to motivate your non-intervention.
There are situations inspired by the same individual heart that involve many more than just your two hearts.
Be careful not to react by shifting your listening from one heart to another, leaving the judgment to the inside your own heart.
Do listen, however, in order to put you in the position to evaluate the situation from inside your heart the many impressions from other hearts give you information to fully understand what their heart generated, the reason why, which is necessary for your reflection.
Your choice leads the other hearts involved to reflection, giving a voice to the Love that generated your choice.
There are many problems that involve a multitude of brothers, brothers who you are aware are finding themselves incapable of their own activity, they are enduring, they are in the condition to receive what a heart produced.
These hearts look to you as a heart that can help them in this situation. The heart confirms that this is a large responsibility and this is the reason for an important reflection inside your heart. In the situation that their heart generated, injustice was created, non-respect for many hearts; as you reflect, how deep is your desire to help all these hearts? Your desire, the intensity of your desire to help will determine the intensity of your intervention, an intensity of Love in the desire to help in that situation corresponds to a great responsibility. And if your desire is so great, you can take responsibility for the action of Love that you will deploy on the field.
My sweet children, the reflection inside your hearts is what allows all of you to express to your outside world the Love that generated it. You will express the Love that generated your choice through your every gesture or words, your answer to the event created by their heart. Every instant is what you will express, the Love that generated your action.
I kiss you with all my Love
Your Father
Message transmitted 15th July 2007
Title Reflection Results of Reflection Peace to Understand To Listen To Motive Love that Generated Action
Choose English version in www.leparoledegliangeli.com (the words of the Angels)

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