Le Parole degli Angeli
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A new year within Love Message from God

A new year within Love Message from God the Father for the new year
A new year within Love Message from God : my sweet children, soon the new year will begin, my wish for your heart is to be able to be carriers of joy, of hope, of Love; in a few hours the new year will begin and all of you await in your heart the arrival of the new year with the hope that many problems will be solved and many problems will find a solution, it will be your doing, your seizing opportunities, the well-being seeked as your harmony, the placing your heart into contact with other people while seeking for the solution will be an experience of Love and well-being.
You are all brothers, why forget it?, and among you there are many hearts that are open and you notice occasions for this; I know that it’s easier to go to an already open heart, the experience of brotherhood is immediate, but you see, the same Love is contained inside every heart and in times of need you can activate it by consulting your own heart.
Many of you my loved brothers can find great difficulty in asking, as if it’s almost a humiliation in asking, non-value in themselves in asking, but may hope help you understand that it’s exactly in the act of sharing that the heart activates and that many problems find a solution in the Love.
Just like they are your brothers, a heart that beats within Love, a heart that awaits the meeting with another heart to beat together within Love.
You notice in your experience how precious your actions are when they come from the Love that activated itself for the need that was shared by a heart toward you, and there are many situations that your hearts live on earth and every situation always needs Love to find the solution, sometimes all you need is just for your own Love to be activated, but a lot more often is the heart of another person to give their contribution, and every contribution has Love toward the other in their help.
Why not begin the new year with a different thought, the other as a help; you are the other, and the other for you.
Begin your new year with this thought of brotherhood, there is enough to experiment within this little thought to fill the entire new year.
An important thought for those of you who are building your journey of experience of earth within Love; infinite occasions to experiment in the other as help, wonderful occasions to Be brothers and to notice that the heart of each one of you is full of Love and that often all that is missing is just the contact between you to make obvious what all of you already have inside your hearts.
Just like us, who express all the time to everyone the Love of our hearts, you can do the same and by continuing to experiment yourselves and your own Love will become evident.
In your experimentation, at the center of your heart, you feel the emotions you are experimenting, you feel with how much Love you participate to your brothers, you feel inside the Love that seeks advice, the solution, its reaching out for the well-being of the other, you feel how strong is the desire to provide a solution, to be of comfort, to express itself with all of the Love you have; that advice, that help, it mobilized your entire heart, feel it, this is what you are, Love that has always existed inside you.
“Brothers”, what a beautiful expression, you hear inside you like a sweet melody the expression “Brothers”, it’s wonderful, you transform this melody into your actions, you express from your heart this melody all around you, ah, sweet music, wonderful song, that expresses itself to you and to others.
A few more minutes and the orchestra will begin to play your melodies with a lot of passion, passion in the Love within the single notes, it begins your new year with a song, music for your brothers.
From my heart that loves you so much, I will play instruments to accompany you with the voice, we are preparing a concert together, the voice, the instruments, and it will be beautiful.
And now I embrace you really tight my loved children, with the wish that the new year will be our concert forever.
With my Love
From the Sky your Father
Message dictated 31st December 2007
A new year within Love Message from God the Father for the new year
A new year within Love Message from God
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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