Le Parole degli Angeli
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Joy Hope Sweetness The Universe Inside You

Joy Hope Sweetness The Universe Inside You Experience Of Love
Joy Hope Sweetness The Universe Inside You : my loved brothers and my loved sisters, I am always in your hearts and I wait for Love so that I can manifest myself, in those moments where we have been together life went really fast, those feelings you are experiencing when your Love is activated, you feel it, the Love activated has inside so much energy to highlight the presence of me in your hearts; while you love you feel the joy in the act of donating, you feel the presence of endless hope of being of help to that heart, and you feel an intense sweetness that wraps your entire heart and that turns to the other person with Love.
This is my presence in the heart, presence that looks at another brother for Love. Your perception inside you talks to you of my presence, it is teaching you to be more free in your expression of your feeling, expressing completely the feelings you are experiencing, free from any influence, as one of my brothers is loving with fervor like from a need to communicate everything he is feeling, I too can set myself free to express myself in all of my Love, and to hug if hugging is what I feel like doing, and to say the sweetest words if this is what I feel like saying, and establishing a contact and talk with all of my Love if this is what I feel like doing, and transforming this moment right before me into an experience of profound contact with that heart, if that is what I am feeling.
This is freedom, bringing yourself to another person as a heart, with all of the feeling that this contains.
This is the experience that I am teaching you with my presence, an experience of freedom that places you in a position to know the Love that you are carrying inside, and that you use in limited amounts.
You are all an unknown universe inside you, and you allow freedom only to the part of the heart that you have already felt mobilize inside you. Only by experiencing the entire part of your heart that was mobilized will this universe unveil a new aspect, a new possibility and in this progress you will discover just how large this Love you mobilized is, infinite in its potential.
This, my dear brothers, my dear sisters, is the universe inside us that the word Love carries with it.
This discovery is the discovery of yourselves. Feeling yourselves as Love is the discovery of this universe within. And this universe is identical in each one of us. Mobilizing it, discovering it, is the project of growth that we are all going through.
Your heart, our heart, same identical universe that we are all discovering.
I embrace you with all the Love that I feel for you.
In happiness your brother Jesus Christ
Message dictated 23 October 2008
Joy Hope Sweetness The Universe Inside You Experience Of Love
Joy Hope Sweetness The Universe Inside You
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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