Le Parole degli Angeli
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Service of Love Responsibility For Being Love

Service of Love Responsibility For Being Love In The World


Service of Love Responsibility For Being Love : my loved brothers and my loved sisters, today I want to talk to you about the messages that you send from your hearts to all of us; often what brings you to look up to the Sky and question yourselves is a need, “will the need I am feeling ever be satisfied? in my predicament of a human being asking the Sky for help is the recognition of its existence, is there help for me? is there Love for me? in the condition in which I find myself, in need, far away, will my need even be heard?”; brothers, every single need you express is always heard, you write words from the heart and in the Sky they are always heard.


Sometimes a reply catches you by surprise, sometimes the answer comes over time and a solution is brought to a brother slowly, and then sometimes it comes very suddenly in the form of a message dictated to all of you who find an answer, what a surprise, our loved Jesus answers my heart, He heard me, He answers to help me, what a sweet enchantment.


My brothers, I would like to always give you help, but in the condition I find myself in, helping you with messages, I need you, I need brothers who turn to the Sky in order to help you.


My brothers, over time, in the past as well as just like today, our words were needed by brothers amongst you who needed help, and if you believe that this was a privilege, in reality it’s an effort so large that many brothers prefer to abandon it and we are left with the need to communicate within your lack of availability.


Words from the hearts overflow the Sky and it’s hard for us to make contact with you.


And this is the reality.


As we have been doing for a very long time now, Sara Luce knows this, through every message we seek to reach your hearts and give you answers and guide you in the understanding and knowledge of Love. And we have already given you many answers.


Brothers, what a treasure, what a wonderful opportunity, listening, understanding, reflecting, looking at your world with eyes even more open wide to the vision of the heart, and this, since the time past, has seen you through today as changed people, in your hearts and you have conquered respect for the principle of freedom.


However the time has come to take responsibility for being in the world the Love that you have found, rediscovered, that you have inside. It’s an important responsibility to choose to be Love among all other brothers. I have brought you with my Love to the awareness, I have guided you over time with my feelings and now that my closeness to you is a certainty for you, I need you, I need your being Love to help other brothers and be able to guide them on the path of the awareness of their own being Love.


Today I bring gifts to you, like I had promised a while ago, I am ready to donate to my brothers in my commitment of Love, my thought is to help you, and through these gifts I activate the possibility inside you, bringing even greater presence of the Sky and of Love on earth.


These gifts are ready, they are awaiting brothers who from their heart will choose the Service of Love.


There is no reward, no medals, only Love that will travel together with the Sky. It’s a wonderful experience to be with you and to give Love through you.


I remain in contact and I will fill your lives with experience from the Sky, your hearts will feel Love at all times, and of course there will always be difficult moments, but embraced with you these moments will be overcome and we will turn every moment of your life into Love.


Your heart awaits, my heart waits.


Your brother Jesus Christ


Service of Love Responsibility For Being Love In The World was the Message dictated 17th November 2008




Service of Love Responsibility For Being Love In The World


Service of Love Responsibility For Being Love


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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