Le Parole degli Angeli
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Reflection About The Past The Experiences

Reflection About The Past The Experiences Of Life


Reflection About The Past The Experiences : my loved brothers and my loved sisters, here I am next to you to love you, to help you, through these words that I dictate, once again today I bring you a reflection from the title, your past; when you were born on to this planet, each one of you met some conditions, the presence or lack of your own parents, presence or lack of natural affection, presence or lack of additional problems related to the job, the house; being born, right from the start, has represented for you entering into a condition.


As time went by, you have gone through various conditions, you are the ones who are little and are being brought up to go through many experiences, you have now reached the present moment with the immaculate heart that you have had from birth and the experiences of life.


Everything over time has reflected over your heart, you reacted inside to every condition, to every experience, and you built your character by facing life. More than yourselves, more than your heart, it’s your own character that life is facing. In your heart remains intact the desire to being an expression of yourselves, true, in every condition. Being able to be yourselves in the freedom, falling in love to love all other creatures, the creation, immersed in the joy to feel like an element of everything of complete harmony, the filling up with enthusiasm for what life can make you feel, you can breathe all the Love.


This is what your heart would love, and instead, from your own experience, it feels limited. What to expect? You ask yourselves as you look at your experience, there is no harmony and even the entire creation does not bring anyone to fall in love, and how can I breathe Love if I only see selfishness.


My brothers, my sisters, you listen to these endless words, and once again you limit your heart.


Your experience allowed you to react to those who have been your contacts with your own world, it was your past that brought you to await the nothingness, or the very little, and this is also what you expect from your brothers, from the entire creation. Very little Love.


And everyone feels pressure inside the heart and sadness and unhappiness.


And your being brother? And your being harmony? And your being Love? How can the heart express itself in this non-freedom?


Throughout your life your heart has brought you desire, this life is inside you, abandon all your baggage, you are finally yourselves, give voice to the heart and life will begin in earnest, to act, to be, to donate, are you seeking harmony? You are harmony; are you seeking peace? You are peace; are you seeking Love? You are Love; your heart will breathe from inside you, surrounded by affection, you will Love by inundating everything, and an emotion of joy will shine from within you, your heart in freedom right now is an expression of immensity.


From my immense Love, I kiss you


Your brother Jesus Christ


Reflection About The Past The Experiences Of Life was the Messages dictated by Jesus Christ 14th September 2009


Reflection About The Past The Experiences Of Life


Reflection About The Past The Experiences


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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