Le Parole degli Angeli
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Contact With The Heart The Reality Of Feeling

Contact With The Heart The Reality Of Feeling


Contact With The Heart : my beloved brothers and my beloved sisters, I come to you, with my love, bringing myself and my Love for you; I can feel myself expressing words, but I can feel myself in the emotion as I speak to you; in what I feel in the heart, I express the thought to the words, words more than anything else can send you my emotion; words that for me are a translation for you of the emotion that I feel inside me within the contact with my heart.


I repeat many words to you, when, for example, I say “I love you brothers”, “forever with you”, “you are in my heart”, “You are embraced by my Love”, I repeat these sweetest words, however my heart, in this great emotion, keeps renewing them each time, and gives them each time the reality of my feeling.


How sweet it is to repeat “brothers”, “sisters”, “beloved”, this Love inside me that I send you as I pronounce these words, and then write them, to write about the emotion that I feel, which is so great inside me, so complete, for me, in the contact with my heart.


Why do I linger on these thoughts? To teach you that the contact with the heart must be the first important movement to do in every situation. By listening to my heart I can hear “brothers” inside me, “sisters” inside me, “beloved” inside me, this is my starting point, the Love I can feel grabbing hold of our contact, in anticipation of our contact inside me. The Love I feel answers and from the first word my feeling is already been communicated to you.


In your existence, is every meeting planned? Do you meet the Love for a man, for a woman, for the companion you chose, every friendship, loved ones, starting from the heart while awaiting for the meeting? Do you dream of that one meeting as an opportunity for your heart to send the feeling that you have inside you? Do you start from your heart, from your emotion, towards your meeting with the other heart?


This, my brothers, is what every heart does when in contact with itself, it starts from the Love it feels, from its feeling, to then communicate, this is the need of the heart, his feeling.


The meeting in the heart means this to me, a heart that listens to the need to communicate, and that chooses the words that can best transmit their own feeling to other hearts.


And there comes the contact, “my beloved brothers and my beloved sisters” and in the heart I feel joy in the contact and it is the entire flow of Love that I feel for you.


You also await our meeting, in the heart first of all you feel like “my brother is coming, his attention is all for me, it will be a sweet moments when he will speak to me, taking me by the hand, to guide me to a greater expression of what I am, I know he will help me conquer more and more freedom in the heart, and by helping me grow, I will bring here on earth my Love that is so important, and then I will feel fulfilled.”


My sweet brother, my sweet sister, my heart is for you, with all of the Love that I feel, from the heart I breathe Love to donate it to you.


For you who extend your hand, my heart is for you, touch it with all of your heart, this heart is for you, this long moment that is our contact.


I embrace you in the heart my brothers and my sisters.


In the peace, your brother Jesus Christ


Contact With The Heart The Reality Of Feeling was the Message dictated 19th October 2009


Contact With The Heart The Reality Of Feeling


Contact With The Heart


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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