Le Parole degli Angeli
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You As Souls In The Experience Of Life

You As Souls In The Precious Experience Of Life On Earth


You As Souls In The Experience Of Life : my beloved brothers and my beloved sisters, the help I am giving the heart recognizes my words, I feel all the Love inside my heart, all the passion that brings me to speak to you, first of all my feeling and then my thoughts will produce the words; I always first listen to my heart, the desire to tell all of you, the desire to help you live your experience on earth so that your experience on earth may be precious for you as Souls.


Truly precious is the experience of life on earth, many of you are noticing it as they love. The life of the heart, this is the experience that you are all living. The gift of freedom is what the Father gave you and it brings you moment after moment to be able to choose in complete freedom every expression you will have toward your brothers. Therefore, in every moment, in complete freedom, you live the life of the heart. You are sweet Love, but you could either express it inside you, communicate it, or make your love stay quiet, you could put it into your actions or keep it on mute, you could grab it in the things you do, or lose it through acting distractedly, you could place it all around yourselves or only just into the tiniest of spaces, all this because your existence is in freedom to Be yourselves.


Many of you await from the outside the freedom that the Father already donated to you: life and freedom to be yourselves. Freedom given to every man, freedom that every man needs to allow to himself.


When we love, the sweet feeling shines with life, while we express ourselves we feel happy because we are communicating from the heart in that moment, we are us, our Essence has a voice in that moment and the joy of feeling yourselves is in this freedom; in this moment, while we experiment, it’s us that is sustaining ourselves, we are sweetness, we are projected to help, the Love in the eyes that reaches a heart, a minute is an infinity in the emotion of the feeling, we feel our Love helping, and while words accompany us, our heart can be heard in the existences, in life, in the life of the heart. This is what every heart that loves actually feels, it feels the life inside.


The moment becomes a sweet memory, the Me, I was myself in that specific moment, and the memory becomes a part of me forever. Even when life ends, that memory will always remain with me; memories, existence is entirely made up of memories, memory of Love, memory of the life of the heart.


Now the past, when you close your eyes, you relive the dream, the past you lived, the past that loved, the moments of difficult expression, your dream is the life of the heart, a heart to listen to both in the difficulties that it encountered and also in the moment when it expressed itself, and you accomplished the task of listening to it because in the freedom with which all of you enjoy the heart can tell you about the moments of life past, and may tell you how to always be itself.


The heart speaks to you, listen to it, it’s your own selves you would be listening to. It’s your own self that experiments life, and if you listen, your bring your heart into the freedom of life.


Being in freedom is to express yourselves from your own heart, in the feeling that you are experiencing, in the Love you are living, that is the center of yourselves. Life on earth belongs to the heart, the experience of the heart is life on earth.


Your brother Jesus Christ


You As Souls In The Precious Experience Of Life On Earth is the Message dictated 3rd June 2010




You As Souls In The Precious Experience Of Life On Earth


You As Souls In The Experience Of Life


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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