Le Parole degli Angeli
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The Words Of Jesus Christ For You Suffering

The Words Of Jesus Christ For You Suffering


The Words Of Jesus Christ For You : my beloved brother, my beloved sister, there are many moments when a heart is in difficulty; your existence on earth, moments chasing one another, the experiences you will have, they are source of pain, anguish and bitterness and your heart fills with tears; there is so much need for the heart to regain serenity, to beat with Love, to reach out to others knowing that their affection will place itself next to them; and it’s all the more difficult when the eyes of other people do not understand the pain, or belittle the situation, you get the impression that the help brought to you is just more pain, and the awaiting heart sinks into a deep depression; then everything begins to look darker, the heart moves within this, in the black hue, in the darkness, and it loses touch with reality, with the life that inevitably goes on for others.


Entering in the pain, the contacts dwindle away, the heart no longer feels, it no longer feels people as hearts but as creatures that move within reality without thinking of much else other than themselves. And that’s when the hope of ever receiving help dies, and the heart that goes through this now begs to die.


Where did it all begin? That heart is far away from the thought, in our past, the present is only accompanied by pain.


Dear brother, dear sisters, that profound darkness you are feeling was colored that way by you, through your emotions, there are people who I call brothers because I look in their heart and I see Love, not everyone has that selfishness, not everyone does all but harm, not everyone refuses to listen, not everyone denies their help. The experience you had is not the same as everybody’s, only that of certain people who put their own selves ahead of others. They are people with their hearts closed up within selfishness and give out experience of pain.


But in the eyes of reality they see many things, they see the sacrifice of many for their families, they see the Love that accompanies many people, they see the experience of joy in many people laughing, they gather in that moment to rejoice in the emotion, in the contact with one another.


What is impossible for your eyes to see is existence, there is joy, Love, those hearts met in an experience of true exchange, and life still has a meaning in the true exchange among hearts. Everything you see is part of reality and among many brothers there are those who place the other heart in the first place, well ahead of their own.


If your hurt you are right to cry from the pain that your heart endured, crying and desperation have removed the reality of life that has always been in front of your eyes. Why continue with existence? Because your heart can meet brothers who love, who can laugh together with you, who can love you, exactly you, who can help you, who can give you the impression from their heart that you are more important than they are.


Today my words are for you, a heart who is suffering, because you are in my heart and even if you do not have me in front of your eyes, you shine in my heart, you are my Love, and these words are for you. I listen to you, please listen to me.


Your brother Jesus Christ


The Words Of Jesus Christ For You Suffering is the Message dictated 4th November 2010




The Words Of Jesus Christ For You Suffering


The Words Of Jesus Christ For You


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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