Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


The experience of evil and good

The experience of evil and good produced by your exterior world message of teaching from the Sky


The experience of evil and good : my sweet and beloved brothers, my sweet and beloved sisters, with my heart swollen with expectation I am in contact with each one of your heart, I can add my words to your precious words, words that are the fruit of the teaching that I have been placing in front of your eyes for a long time now; this journey has brought you to look at the time of existence on earth as the biggest one we go through as Souls; for all, this experience is an experience of Love, through the journey in every situation what you express of yourselves is your heart; it’s always your heart that you give freedom of expression to, and it places you in contact with yourselves, in what you bring and what you do with your experience, experience of yourselves.


Life goes on, and the experience of you is in every single instant, experience of you as you give your heart, experience of you as you feel, experience of all that moves inside you, experience of evil and good produced by your exterior world, and what is the right thing to do. Every choice you make comes from the heart and goes out to the external world, you contribute to every situation, you determine, and you do so as you feel what is moving inside you.


When unawareness is rampant, even the determination of your own contribution is not a conscious one, you act as a reaction, without asking yourselves, you act because you can, but you do so through the events, and not as a contribution that comes from the heart; in your awareness we feel the responsibility, as we feel a heart, to always have in front of us the hearts, affection, emotion, and how free is that heart. Through the emotions, feeling the other heart brings us, in full freedom, to express, in full respect of the emotions that move within us, to be an expression of our affection donated that has consideration for the other heart, to be yourselves even in the expression of a condemnation, but always having the heart of the other person as our interlocutor.


This constant experience allows us, in full freedom of the heart, to be a contribution, to face complex situations starting always from the heart, and being in the experience that Love that is inside you; what we are living is the baggage of the experience always inside us, not only we are aware in our existence of that moment, but also it is what we bring from our lives on earth in the conscious experience of life in the Sky.


Today what has been is already baggage, what has been today is a baggage of experience; the eyes do not contemplate this reality, but to the eyes of the Spirit this is the experience of us.


The eyes notice the other person, but feeling the other person, perceiving the reactions of his heart, that is the reflection of the eyes of the Spirit.


You are the constant contribution in your reality of a heart, may you always be aware of what you are bringing, and may you carry every contribution with responsibility.


A sweet embrace to you, to every heart


Your brother Jesus Christ


The experience of evil and good produced by your exterior world message of teaching from the Sky was the Message dictated on 11 April 2011




The experience of evil and good produced by your exterior world message of teaching from the Sky


The experience of evil and good


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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