Le Parole degli Angeli
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When Love accompanies the existence

When Love accompanies the existence message dictated from the Sky on Love


When Love accompanies the existence : my beloved brothers and my beloved sisters, I am with you the instant you turn your thoughts to me, a thought that has my image in front of its eyes, may it be a material image or only an image of your thoughts; that brother, your Jesus, as you call him, it instantly transforms into a presence next to your body, I embrace you and I sweetly tell you “Come on my Love, speak to me, I listen to you, I listen and I will try to help you face your problems, may the light I emit sweetly raise your body that is so hunched over now, may I raise you to understand that you are not alone but you are close to me, may my words accept your humanity and your living in the lack of understanding, and may my words show you the face of Love, the great Love I feel for you; today you are begging for my intervention, your eyes are moist with tears, help, some advice, Love you ask for yourself, here I am next to you, sweet brothers, today we talk of existence, we meet so much pain, so many needs of many, you know that I suffer with you when I see so much chaos, so much injustice, so much humanity that is pouring tears and constant violence among brothers, today life is pain, we exchange words with many but there is no intimacy of affection among our hearts, and we feel alone in this humanity; time ago it was different, we remember, but in the existence it is us who have changed, not so much in the heart, but in how we are with other brothers, so simply, like in the times we knew; yes, the world has changed a lot, but the brothers have changed in the way they interact with others, now you need to have guarantee of having a great heart in front of you, and in what is manifested before judging, and then the agreement, and many brothers are forced to undergo constant judgment, but where is the Love, brothers? once upon a time people would talk to brothers when they met, one would share moments as a meeting of two lives, one would share their many worries, the many joys and even the news, while now we only meet judgment on the events of our worries, judgment on new situations we are meeting, even the moments of joy will be judged; this humanity is going through a moment where judgment is the only word being exchanged, this present judgment among brothers places distance among hearts. If, instead of judging, we truly observed the lives as a journey of many who, as they are being a heart, try to place themselves in the time of work, in the time for family, in the time of contact with children, parents, friends, to be expression of the affection that they feel, only then our words will be able to help them to be more and more a heart in the reality of existence. I know it is not easy for you to not judge, but in the end, humanity is seeking answers; a heart that is speaking, what does it tell you? I need help with this problem, I need to feel Love consoling me, I need to not feel so alone, I need a word to feel my emotions and to tell me what to do so I won’t be so distant from every other heart for which I feel affection; this is communication, not judgment; you welcome communication as the voice of a heart that asks you for help, and so brothers you too will be a presence for those hearts and you will be able to meet a presence of other hearts for you; presence is being a heart”.


United with your hearts, presence of my hearts that loves you.


Your brother Jesus Christ


When Love accompanies the existence message dictated from the Sky on Love was the Message Dictated on 18th April 2011




When Love accompanies the existence message dictated from the Sky on Love


When Love accompanies the existence


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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